beatrice vorster
tape 2046
collaborative practice with yasmin vardi
my battery is low, and it’s getting dark
surface tension
a woman runs away from something
bootleg vampire
*pinch* to zoom
exo series
i <3 your output
bambi woods presents
my battery is low, and it’s getting dark
Plicnik Space Initiative
audio work, held on editioned USB card, gif
82 minutes 38 seconds
winter 2024.
LOG 3:
The following is a romanticised extract from the Interceptor’s log, registered by the core operational module and communicated to the D02.2 spacecraft.
“47288181 hU away!” ~ «Yes, closing in!» ~ “Keep steady.” ~ «Course?» ~ “Course correct.”
Exception: malformed data chunk
«The last time its presence was recorded, 1984; once more in 2024, but this may have been a fluke—since then? Nothing.» ~ “1984?” ~ «Gregorian… 2024 still unconfirmed.»
Exception: malformed data chunk
WARNING: hibernation enabled
WARNING: hibernation ended in NaN U
“Seems like the faint blip on the radar has been there for a while.” ~ «A malfunction?» ~ “Could be.Likely with this old hardware, but can’t confirm.” ~ «This system hasn’t been updated in…» ~ “40 Mega aeons!” They laugh—well, not really, but a chuckle is logged. “The blip is faint, but how fit is this detector?” ~ «Surely that should’ve been so worn out by now… it’s miraculous there’s been any blip at all.»
“3738286 hU.”
«Is it even worth it at that point? » ~ “I calculated the chance we’ll make it at 3458%.” ~ «I don’t think that’s correct. » ~ “Okay, how about 0.4%.” ~ «Is that a lot? » ~ “I think it’s close to an absolute” ~ «Right… perhaps we should just go. » ~ “Not like we aren’t already going.”
WARNING: hibernation enabled
WARNING: hibernation ended in 3618855 U
«How much time has passed since my last message? » ~ “373827 hU.” ~ «Hibernation speeds things up a bit. » ~ “Sure does, and I enjoy it too… uhm, together.” ~ «Just very unfortunate that we have lost… one moment, just retrieving it from cold storage, J4-00n.» ~ “Yes, J4-00n was good company. A darn good sleeper besides.” ~ «Sometimes you have to minimise load though—and that’s what J also was. » ~ “S-sure thing—but J was good at calculation.”
«And you aren’t good? » ~ “Uhm, yes certainly, and very vital for our functioning… 63722 hU.” «Now that’s close, right? » “Potentially so, yes.”
They log an awkward silence, some malformed data, and on they go.
Installation and curation by
Amélie Mckee
Melle Nieling
photographs by Vex Noir
HD video, 08’00”
screened at screened as part of VHS at TACO!, London & Light Beams Under the Bridge, Kings Cross, London. both in 2024
spring 2o24.
BAD APPLES - extract.
collaboration with Yasmin Vardi.
screened at screened as part of VHS at TACO!, London & Light Beams Under the Bridge, Kings Cross, London. both in 2024
spring 2o24.
full film available on request.
surface tension
Des Bains
custom aluminium frame (4:3), engraved glass, two digital prints on bible paper, bubble wrap, archive extract, feather.
& (crush filter)
custom aluminium frame (4:3), engraved glass, digital print on restoration paper, letter on bible paper (taped), archive extract.
spring 2024.
2. long shot (benedetta) pencil on bible paper, pins.
3. unresolved (the call is coming from inside the house), detail
photographs by show pickle
a woman runs away from something
HD video, 21’00”
collaboration with Yasmin Vardi.
screened on SPRYTE, a woman runs away from something, screened with a live score at TACO!, London. both in 2024
spring 2o24.
a woman runs away from something - stills
collaboration with Yasmin Vardi.
screened on SPRYTE, a woman runs away from something, screened with a live score at TACO!, London. both in 2024
spring 2o24.
full film available on request.
well-mannered guests
GIF movie
summer 2023.
photos courtesy of the gallery.
well-mannered guests
GIF movie, extract
bootleg vampire
HD video, 14’00”
screened at ASP: Katowice, Poland.
summer 2o23.
cinematography: Yasmin Vardi
bootleg vampire - extract
screened at ASP: Katowice, Poland.
summer 2o23
cinematography: Yasmin Vardi.
full film available on request.
video, 4’32”
at Studio Ghost: Tokyo, Japan.
summer 2023.
photograph by ayako mino.
stoker - extract
at Studio Ghost: Tokyo, Japan.
summer 2023.
*pinch* to zoom
duo show with Elli Antoniou
B.V. & E.A mild steel structure, mild steel plates, love letter stickers, magnets, work lamps, and photographs.
collaboration with Elli Antoniou at Generation & Display: London, U.K. Curated by Amélie Mckee.
summer 2023.
photographs by Jonanna Wierzbicka
digital print, pasted.
at Generation & Display: London, U.K.
summer 2023.
aluminium vent cover, disassembled GIF.
at Generation & Display: London, U.K.
summer 2023.
*pinch* to zoom
* pinch * to zoom presents an ongoing collaboration between Beatrice Vorster and Elli Antoniou, who have been long-time friends and studio companions.The nature of their working process makes it virtually impossible for them to be in the studio simultaneously: B’s sound-based practise requires attentive listening, whilst E’s process is supported by a loud
compressor. So, B would work in the mornings, and E would work at night. Both of their works are infused with each other’s delayed presence; a series of imagined love letters between friends and collaborators. Their collaborative process involves gentle mark making, with their imagery resurfacing in each other’s pieces through digital extrusion and
glitchy repetitions. The works embrace decay, the slow erosion of material flux. Both are concerned with
transformation of matter: presenting the parallel of adolescent metamorphosis with the shifting status of metal. The central modular system, triple axel (2023), draws together these fictions and presents a site. The gallery space is reimagined as a public square - the site of encounters, of spending time, of loitering, of making your mark and reading traces of others. It is where teenagers spend time outside of domestic or school spaces. Where metals rust and glass scratches. These
sediments of public spaces presented as layers washing over each other revealing varying stages of decay and accumulation as they fall in and out of synch.
Private view 16th September 6:30 - 9:30pm
Exhibition 17th September - 1st October 2023
Special Event 30th September 6 - 9pm
Works by Beatrice Vorster & Elli Antoniou
Curated by Amélie Mckee
Supported by The Elephant Trust
exhibition text by Amélie Mckee.